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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

When Can I Begin to Leave My Children Home Alone?

When Can I Begin to Leave My Children Home Alone?

I'm considering leaving my children home alone while I am at work this summer. Are there any laws or guidelines I need to know about the age it is generally considered safe to leave children home alone?

According to the National Child Care Information Center, only Maryland and Illinois have specific laws stipulating the age at which a child can be left home alone.

However, the National SAFEKIDS Campaign recommends that no child under the age of 12 be left home alone.

When you're ready to leave your child home alone for the first time, be sure to:

Consider your child's age and maturity level. For example, if your child tends to be impulsive, you should wait until he or she is older than 12. Take our online quiz "Is My Child Ready to Stay Home Alone?" for help determining your child's level of maturity and independence.

Begin with several "dry runs" where you leave your child home alone for short periods of time.

Leave a phone number where you can be reached. If possible, provide a land line in addition to your cell phone number, just in case your company's service is disrupted for any reason.

Call home to check on your child.

If possible, make arrangements for your child to check in with you, or with a relative or neighbor, while you are out.

Thoroughly prepare your child for staying home alone. Consider using a book, such as Dottie Raymer's Staying Home Alone, to discuss what it means to make safe choices.

Be specific in discussing your expectations and how you would like your child to use his or her time. 

For example:

Is the TV allowed?
If so, are there any channels that are off-limits?
Do you want your child to answer the phone?
Should homework be completed before you arrive?
May your child use the computer?
Can your child have friends over while you're not at home?
Can he or she go to other friends' houses?

Make sure your home is childproof. 

For example:

Are medications kept in a locked cabinet?
Are there firearms in the home?
If so, are they in a locked cabinet and/or do they have child safety locks?
What could your child potentially get into that might cause harm?

Practice handling emergencies. 

For example:

What would you do in an emergency?
What if someone were trying to get into the house?
What would you do if there were a fire?

Ask your child if he or she feels confident and ready to stay home alone. If he or she is hesitant, hire a babysitter and reconsider this issue in six months.



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