Most workplace violence is committed by strangers, usually while committing another crime such as robbery or burglary. If you come face-to-face with someone threatening you with a gun, knife, or other weapon, there are steps that you can take to make the situation less dangerous.
Difficulty: Hard
Time Required: However long it takes.
Here's How:
1.Stay calm. If you get the opportunity, quietly signal for help.
2.Maintain eye contact with the assailant.
3.Stall for time until help arrives or you can try to escape.
4.Keep talking, but follow instructions from the person who has the weapon. Let them know that you are cooperating.
5.Do not try to grab the weapon.
6.Watch for a possible chance to escape to a safe area.
7.Do not be a hero and risk harm to yourself or others.
8.Do not verbally or physically challenge the person with the weapon.
9.Make no sudden moves. If you need to move, tell the person with the weapon first.
10.Do not resist.
Be prepared to give the assailant your cash, wallet or jewelry. It is not worth the risk. Your life is more valuable than material possessions, which can be replaced.
Try to remember the assailant's appearance and clothing, but do so carefully, without staring.
After the confrontation call 9-1-1 as soon as possible. Notifying the police quickly will increase the chance of apprehending the suspect and preventing future victims.
What You Need:
A little courage and a lot of faith.
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